And second, what is your full name?
Only your first initial will be shown on your profile

Nice to meet you ;)

Thank you for agreeing to share your experience on Fatty15! Completion of this form takes less than five minutes.

Before we begin, let’s gather a few more details about your wellness habits. This will help create some context for your review.

What is your age group?

How many times do you exercise typically per week?

What are your favorite physical activities?

Select all that apply

How would you best describe you daily nutrition?

Are you currently following any special diet plan?

Select all that apply

Motivation and Initial Experience

How long have you used Fatty15 for?

What motivated you to start taking Fatty15, and what health goals were you hoping to achieve?

Tips on Answering
Think about the specific reasons that led you to try Fatty15. Were you looking to improve a particular aspect of your health, address certain symptoms, or follow a recommendation from a healthcare professional or a friend?

Observed Changes and Benefits

Have you noticed improvements in your energy levels, mood, sleep quality, metabolic health, or immune function?

Tips on Answering
Think about specific aspects of your health that have improved. For example, did you notice better energy levels, a more positive mood, improved sleep quality, enhanced immune response, or any other specific benefits? Provide as much detail as you can about these changes and how they have impacted your daily life.

This question is optional

How long did it take for you to observe these changes after started taking Fatty15?

Tips on Answering
Consider the timeline of your experience. Did you notice immediate effects, or did the benefits become apparent after a few weeks or months? Providing a clear timeframe can help others set realistic expectations.

Did you experience any side effects while taking Fatty15? If so, how did you manage them?

Tips on Answering
Reflect on any negative effects you may have experienced. Were there any side effects, and how severe were they? How did you cope with them, and did they affect your decision to continue using Fatty15?

Usability and Comparison

Did you take Fatty15 as directed and consistently? If not, what were the challenges?

Tips on Answering
Reflect on your adherence to the recommended dosage. Were you able to take Fatty15 every day as directed? If you missed doses or faced challenges, what were they? This information can help others understand the importance of consistency.

How easy was it to incorporate Fatty15 into your daily routine? Did you notice anything about the taste or aftertaste?

Tips on Answering
Think about the practical aspects of taking Fatty15. Was it easy to remember to take it daily? If applicable, did you find the taste or aftertaste pleasant or unpleasant? Any tips you have for making it part of your routine can be helpful to others.

Were there any specific aspects of Fatty15 that stood out to you compared to other supplements you have tried?

Tips on Answering
Think about how Fatty15 compares to other supplements you’ve used. Did you notice any unique benefits or features? Was it more effective, easier to use, or better in any other way?

Customer Service and Other Feedback

You’re almost done!

How was your experience with Fatty15's customer service, and were they able to address any questions or concerns you had?

Tips on Answering
Consider any interactions you’ve had with the customer service team. Were they responsive and helpful? Did they resolve your issues or answer your questions satisfactorily? Share specific experiences if possible.

Considering the price and overall experience, would you recommend Fatty15 to others seeking similar health benefits?

Tips on Answering
Think about your overall satisfaction with Fatty15. Would you suggest it to friends, family, or others considering it? Share your reasons, highlighting the benefits and any caveats.

Thanks for sharing your experience on Fatty15