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SuperBeets Heart Chews Review: Pros, Cons, and Who Should Try It

By Sharon Lehman, RDN

Last Updated on April 12, 2022

Medically Reviewed by Anthony Dugarte, MD

Dietitian Rating:


About This Rating
The average rating of this product is calculated based on the evaluation of the following factors:
  • Support for Claims:3.0
  • Ingredient Safety:4.0
  • Value for the Price:3.5
  • Brand Transparency:4.0

SuperBeets Chews is a daily supplement that designed to promote heart health and normal blood pressure. Although there is evidence to support the benefits of beets for blood pressure, the beet powder found in this product has not been evaluated specifically.

Written by
Sharon Lehman, RDN
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Sharon Lehman, RDN is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and writer with over 10 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Dietetics and completed her dietetic internship at the University of Delaware and a Master of Education degree from Wilmington University with a concentration in elementary and secondary school-based counseling.
Medically Reviewed by
Anthony Dugarte, MD
Medical Reviewer
Anthony Dugarte, M.D., C.S.C.S. is a health and wellness writer and medical content reviewer. In addition to dedicating the last 11 years to medical research, Dr. Dugarte also has more than a decade of experience in strength and conditioning, nutrition, and rehabilitative exercise, as well as authoring and reviewing health and wellness-related content.
SuperBeets Heart Chews Review: Pros, Cons, and Who Should Try It


  • Gummy chews are convenient, tasty, portable, and fun to take
  • 90-day money back guarantee
  • Accessible at national retailers


  • Contains added sugar
  • Limited evidence for exact ingredients and dosage
  • May be pricey to some consumers

What Is SuperBeets Heart Chews?

SuperBeets Heart Chews is a chewable gummy supplement manufactured by HumanN.

HumanN specializes in supplements designed to support nitric oxide levels in the body as a means to promote heart health.

Most of their products are made with “heart-healthy” foods like beets and grapes.

Low nitric oxide levels are associated with high blood pressure. Nitric oxide has a vasodilating effect in the circulatory system. It plays a role in healthy blood flow by relaxing the arteries.

The chews contain grape seed extract (GSE for short) and beetroot powder, which are believed to promote heart health and healthy blood pressure levels thanks to their rich antioxidant and polyphenol nutritional profile.

The chews are pomegranate berry flavored and intended to be a portable version of HumanN’s popular SuperBeets powder, which needs to be added to water.

Is It Effective? Evaluation of Claimed Benefits

SuperBeets Heart Chews claims to:

  • Support normal blood pressure
  • Support circulation
  • Support heart health
  • Protect from oxidative stress

SuperBeets Heart Chews’ active ingredients have been well-studied and appear to have a minor yet positive effect on blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

Beetroot Powder (500 mg)

Beets are rich in dietary nitrates, which are converted to nitric oxide in the body.

They are also a good source of antioxidants and phytochemicals that help prevent inflammation and damage from oxidative stress.

One of these compounds, called betalains, are responsible for the vibrant red and gold color of beets and aren’t found in many other fruits or vegetables.

Beet juice supplementation has been clinically studied and found to have a blood pressure-lowering effect, especially in individuals with high blood pressure. (1)

Researchers attribute this relationship to the nitrate content of beets. (1)

HumanN claims their beetroot powder preserves the nitrate and antioxidant content of beets to support circulator nitric oxide levels and overall health.

I didn’t find any studies comparing the nutritional profile of HumanN’s beetroot powder to beet juice, so it’s hard to say whether it actually contains the same amount of nitrates and nutrition as whole beets and beet juice.

However, if the powder is nutritionally comparable to whole beets, then it may have a beneficial impact on nitric oxide levels and blood pressure, as observed with beet juice supplementation.

Grape Seed Extract (Enovita, 150 mg)

The brand claims SuperBeets Chews are made with a novel type of GSE that’s sourced from white grapes in the Loire Valley wine region of France and supposedly more potent and better absorbed than other GSE supplements.

They’re referring to Enovita, a trade name for the type of GSE they contain.

Enovita contains 95% of oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs for short), which are one type of polyphenol (aka plant compound) found in grape seeds. (2)

Evidence suggests OPCs possess strong antioxidant properties.

There are no studies comparing the OPC content or bioavailability of Enovita versus other grape seed extracts.

Several trials have found GSE supplementation has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. (3)

One study that used Enovita (and is cited on the SuperBeets website) found that both 150 mg/day and 300 mg/day doses resulted in drops in blood pressure, with the higher dose having more significant change.

However, this study had limitations. It was small, with only 119 subjects who began with either normal or mildly elevated blood pressure.

Any benefits seem dependent on continued supplementation. This study observed improvements in participants’ blood pressure were temporary, reversing when GSE supplementation ceased. (4)

Support for Claimed Benefits

Here is our score, based on scientific evidence, of how likely SuperBeets Heart Chews will be effective for its claimed benefits:

Supports normal blood pressure3/5
Supports circulation3/5
Supports heart health3/5
Protects from oxidative stress3/5

Side Effects, Safety, and Dosage

Each bag of SuperBeets Heart Chews is a 1-month supply and contains 60 chews. One dose is 2 chews.

Grape seed extract (GSE) and beetroot powder are generally considered safe ingredients with very few side effects for most healthy individuals.

Some individuals notice their urine has a pinkish-red hue, called beeturia, when taking beet supplements. This has to do with how your body metabolizes pigments in beets and is harmless. (5)

If you're considering trying SuperBeets Chews, you should speak with a healthcare provider first. 

If you suspect your blood pressure is high, it’s essential to seek medical attention.

If you’re currently taking blood pressure or blood-thinning medication, your healthcare provider needs to know if you try this product.

Since beets and grape seed extract have blood pressure-lowering properties, this supplement could lower your blood pressure too much in combination with your medicine. (1, 3)

Proton pump inhibitors, which reduce stomach acid to manage reflux symptoms, interfere with the conversion of dietary nitrates to nitric acid. (6)

If you take such medicine, it may cancel out the blood pressure-lowering effect of beets, which contain nitrates. (1)

Individuals with type 2 diabetes or who avoid added sugars should be aware that these chews contain 4 grams of added sugar per serving in the form of tapioca syrup and cane sugar.

The brand claims its GSE is tested for purity and safety, but I found no independent third-party testing labels on the product.

Cost and Where to Buy

SuperBeets Heart Chews can be found at Amazon, GNC, Whole Foods, Sprouts, and other major retailers listed on HumanN’s website.

They retail for $39.95 for a 1-month supply, which is roughly $1.30 a serving.

There are discounts for 3-month and 6-month supplies and, if you purchase directly from the brand, you can subscribe to auto-shipments and bring the cost down even more.

SuperBeets Heart Chews are backed by a 90-day money-back guarantee. Full details and contact information can be found on their website.

Buy SuperBeets Heart Chews

How SuperBeets Heart Chews Compares to Alternatives

There are a few other brands of beet chews on the market that contain less sugar and are less expensive for a one-month supply, but they don’t contain grape seed extract (GSE).

You can find GSE in capsules or softgels. Most contain 400 mg of GSE per serving, which is more than 2.5 times as much as the SuperBeet Heart Chews.

GSE capsules tend to cost less than SuperBeets Heart Chews, but if you purchase beet chews and GSE separately, you’ll likely end up spending more.

Several brands claim their GSE has been standardized to contain 95% polyphenols, but they don’t specify which compounds like the Enovita GSE in SuperBeets Heart Chews does.

Other blood pressure support supplements contain additional plant-based ingredients, like garlic, green tea, hawthorn, and hibiscus, that have been clinically studied and found to have blood pressure-lowering capabilities. (7)

The Bottom Line

There’s no denying that beets and grape seed extract contain beneficial compounds that can support health.

Although there is sufficient scientific evidence that compounds in beets and grape seeds can help lower blood pressure, SuperBeets Heart Chews have not been studied for efficacy.

Most of the research around beets involves beet juice, not beetroot powder as found in SuperBeets Heart Chews, so it’s hard to say if the chews offer the same benefits.

As for GSE, benefits appear to be dose-dependent. Most studies evaluated 300 mg of GSE supplementation per day, while SuperBeets Heart Chews contains 150 mg GSE per dose, so again, it’s hard to say if that’s enough to produce the same results.

Tips for Supporting Healthy Blood Pressure

Lifestyle factors and diet play a huge role in supporting healthy blood pressure. My top three tips are:

If you suspect your blood pressure is high, it’s essential you speak with a medical professional.

If your blood pressure is slightly elevated (what doctors call prehypertension) after consistently trying the above, I’d recommend trying SuperBeets Heart Chews for a month or two to see if it helps bring your readings down.

If your blood pressure is normal and you want extra antioxidants, include more servings of antioxidant-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, and dark chocolate.

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At WellnessVerge, we only use reputable sources, including peer-reviewed medical journals and well-respected academic institutions.

  1. The Potential Benefits of Red Beetroot Supplementation in Health and Disease:
  2. Phytochemical Constituents, Health Benefits, and Industrial Applications of Grape Seeds: A Mini-Review:
  3. The impact of grape seed extract treatment on blood pressure changes:
  4. Effects of grape seed extract beverage on blood pressure and metabolic indices in individuals with pre-hypertension: a randomised, double-blinded, two-arm, parallel, placebo-controlled trial:
  5. Beeturia:
  6. Blood Pressure-Lowering Effect of Orally Ingested Nitrite Is Abolished by a Proton Pump Inhibitor:
  7. Role of natural herbs in the treatment of hypertension:

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